A guide to the season’s hottest events

June 1–23 — Shakespeare in the Ruins
Presents the final part of Henry V. Trappist Monastery Provincial Heritage Park, 942-5483, shakespeareintheruins.com
June 1, Jul 6 & Aug 3 — First Fridays in the Exchange
Shops and galleries welcome the public from 5-9 pm. Free. Visit firstfridayswinnipeg.org
June 1 — Roger Waters
Experience The Wall live with unrivalled visual effects. MTS Centre, 855-985-5000
June 1–Aug 4 — Celebrations Dinner Theatre
Be entertained by Ghostbusted over dinner. 982-8282, celebrations.ca
June 2 — Yoga in the Park
Stretch every Thu in Memorial Park. Noon. Free. 958-4640, downtownwinnipegbiz.com
June 3 — Pride Parade
Hit the streets for the annual gay pride parade. Noon. Legislative Building. pridewinnipeg.com
Starts June 6 — Hermetic Code Tour
Unlock the mysteries of the Manitoba Legislative Building. 989-9630, heartlandtravel.ca
June 7–10 — Winnipeg International Children’s Festival
The annual kidsfest brings dinosaurs back to life. The Forks, 958-4730, kidsfest.ca
June 8 & 9 — River City Dragon Boat Festival
In support of Health Sciences Centre Foundation. Fermor East, Manitoba Waterski Park, 787-2919, rivercitydragonboat.com
June 9-10 — Interlake Artists’ Studio Tour
11th annual self-guided studio tour. 10 am-6 pm, various locations, watchthewave.ca
Opens June 14 — Fun Mountain
Ten waterslides, hot tub, zipline and more. 255-3910, funmountain.ca
June 14–23 — TD Winnipeg International Jazz Festival
Performers include musicians such as Janelle Monae and Booker T. Jones. Various venues, 989-4656, jazzwinnipeg.com
June 15–24 — Red River Exhibition
Games, rides, concerts, and Midway magic. Red River Exhibition Park, 888-6990, redriverex.com
June 16 — Manitoba Highland
Gathering Catch piping, drumming and highland dancing at this Selkirk festival. 800-894-2621, manitobahighlandgathering.org
June 18–Jul 8 — Footloose
Hit musical gets audiences moving under covered outdoor stage. 989-0839, rainbowstage.ca
June 21–24 — Manitoba Electronic Music Exhibition
Dubstep masters and electronic DJs electrify various venues downtown. memetic.ca
June 22 — Bryan Adams
Legendary rocker plays last show of Canadian tour. MTS Centre, 855-985-5000
Jun 25 — Cowboy Junkies
Blues/folk band from Toronto plays the West End Cultural Centre. 783-6918, wecc.ca
June 28-Jul 1— Dauphin’s Country Fest
Canada’s longest running country music festival. Acts include Reba, Zac Brown Band, Ronnie Dunn and Bachman & Turner. countryfest.ca
June 30–Jul 1 — Osborne Village Canada Day Street Festival
All-weekend block party with vendors, food and concerts. 474-1008, osbornevillage.com
Juyl 1 — Canada Day at The Forks
Free family music concerts with late night fireworks. Enjoy live entertainment, skateboard plaza and face painted patriots. 957-7618, theforks.com
July 4–8 — Winnipeg Folk Festival
Renowned folk performers, including Canada’s own Feist, play various outdoor stages at this 38 year old music festival. 231-0096, winnipegfolkfestival.ca
July 12–15 — St-Pierre-Jolys Frog Follies
Annual French fest features frog races, food and entertainment. 204-291-4630, frogfollies.com
July 18–29 — Winnipeg Fringe Festival
Local and International thespians invade various venues. 956-1340, winnipegfringe.com
July 19–22 — Cirque du Soleil: Quidam
Follow a little girl into her imaginary world. MTS Centre. 855-985-5000, cirquedusoleil.com
July 19–22 — Manitoba Stampede & Exhibition
Bucking broncos and livestock shows take centre stage. Morris, 204-746-2552, manitobastampede.ca
July 20–22 — Neepawa Lily Festival
Celebrate flowers with food and family fun. Neepawa.204-476-8811, lilyfestival.com
July 20–22 — Summer Winds Family Music Festival
This music festival for all ages has a summery vibe. Victoria Beach, summerwindsfamilymusicfestival.com
July 25–27 — Ballet in the Park
Free performances by the renowned Royal Winnipeg Ballet. Assiniboine Park, 956-0183, rwb.org
July 25-29 — Gimli Film Festival
This beachfront film festival showcases more than 130 movies, documentaries and shorts. 204-642-8846, gimlifilm.com
July 27-29 — Manitoba Sunflower Festival
Enjoy Mennonite culture. 204-324-9005, townofaltona.com

Aug 3–Aug 6 — Icelandic Festival of Manitoba
Celebration of all things Icelandic. Gimli, 204-642-7417, icelandicfestival.com
Aug 3–5 — Canadian National Ukrainian Festival
This cultural fest includes market, wheat weaving demonstrations and bread from traditional wood ovens. 877-474-2683, cnuf.ca
Aug 4 — Metis Days Festival
The proud Michif society of St-Laurent host fiddling, jigging, slow-pitch tournament and karaoke. rmofstlaurent.ca
Aug 5–18 — Folklorama
Big cultural festival showcases heritage, food and traditions in more than 40 pavilions. 982-6210, folklorama.ca
Aug 9–31 — Annie
Musical following little orphan Annie as she searches for her parents. Kildonan Park, 989-5261, rainbowstage.ca
Aug 10-12 — Winkler Harvest Festival & Exhibition
Rides and music round out this fest. 204-325-5600, winklerharvestfestival.com
From Aug 10 — Celebrations Dinner Theatre
LA doctor ends up in hot water with the Royal Canadian Navy in Canadian Affair. 982-8282,
Aug 17–19 — Winnipeg Barbeque & Blues Festival
Soul food and soulful music fill air at this cook-off and concert weekend. Red River Exhibition Park, mobc.ca
Aug 24–26 — Morden Corn & Apple Festival
The streets of Morden fill up in this celebration of summer fun. 204-823-2676, cornandapple.com
All Summer
Adrenaline Adventures
Cable wakeboarding, ziplining, adventure and more. Headingley, 800-2060, adrenalinemb.com
Assiniboia Downs
Live horse racing. 885-3330, assiniboiadowns.com
Assiniboine Park Zoo
Meet the newest residents: lion and tiger cubs. 927-6001, assiniboineparkzoo.ca
Children’s Museum
Interactive family fun in 12 themed exhibits.924-4000, childrensmuseum.com
City Cats Fishing Tours
Full and half-day tours for anglers near Winnipeg. 955-2744, citycats.ca
Exchange District Walking Tours
Relive the history of some of Winnipeg’s most storied buildings. 942-6716, exchangedistrict.org
FortWhyte Alive
Discover pristine prairie life inside Winnipeg’s city limits. 989-8355, fortwhyte.org
Grand Prix Amusements
Batting cages, bumper cars, go-karts and games. 254-3644, grandprixamusements.com
Get cozy with a polar bear family in To the Arctic 3D. 956-IMAX (4629), imaxwinnipeg.com
Lower Fort Garry National Historic Site
Experience the rich history of one of the oldest original fur trading posts in North America. 204-785-6050, pc.gc.ca
Manitoba Agricultural Museum
See the evolution of prairie agriculture. Austin, 204-637-2354,
The Manitoba Museum
See the history of the province in over 10 galleries and a planetarium. 956-2830, manitobamuseum.ca
Muddy Water Walking Tours
Hear unexpected tales of true crime amongst others. 898-4678, muddywatertours.ca
New Iceland Heritage Museum
The history of Lake Winnipeg and its fishing industry. Gimli, 204-642-4001, nihm.ca
Northern Soul Canoe Tours
Day trips down the Assiniboine and Seine rivers. 866-425-9430, northernsoul.ca
Out to Lunch
Munch on lunch during noon hour concerts each Wednesday in Air Canada Park. 958-4640, downtownwinnipegbiz.com
Prairie Dog Central
Ride a vintage steam train during a Bonnie and Clyde-style holdup. 832-5259, pdcrailway.com
Red River Co-op Speedway
MDRA(NOPA)/WISSOTA sanctioned racing events. 582-0527, victorylane.mb.ca
Routes on the Red
More than 20 self-directed walking, biking, driving, or boating tours. routesonthered.ca
Open now – Splash Dash River Tours
Take a guided tour from The Forks. 783-6633, splashdash.ca
Take the train around this family amusement park with miniature rides. 257-8095, tinkertown.mb.ca
West End Mural Tours
Take a stroll through one of Winnipeg’s most diverse neighbourhoods with more than 60 pieces of colourful art. 954-7900, westendbiz.ca
Western Canadian Aviation Museum
Learn about the history and science of flight. 786-5503, wcam.mb.ca
Winnipeg Goldeyes
Catch fish fever this summer with Winnipeg’s baseball franchise. Shaw Park, 982-BASE (2273), goldeyes.com
Winnipeg Railway Museum
See Manitoba railroad heritage, including the first steam locomotive to cross the prairies. 942-4632, wpgrailwaymuseum.com